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Asphalt milling cost and why you should spend the money

Grasping the concept of asphalt milling cost is essential for anyone tasked with roadway maintenance or property management. Asphalt milling, a vital but often undervalued pavement preservation technique, efficiently removes just the deteriorated layer of asphalt, preserving the underlying structure.

This method is not only cost-effective but also crucial for preparing the base for a smooth new overlay. In this blog, we will detail the pricing factors of asphalt milling and highlight its long-term benefits for pavement upkeep. Whether you’re responsible for maintaining commercial lots, residential roads, or municipal highways, understanding the economic advantages of professional asphalt resurfacing by FLA1 Paving can result in significant maintenance savings and enhanced pavement longevity.

Asphalt milling, also known as cold planing, is a pavement maintenance process that involves removing the top layer of asphalt from a roadway, parking lot, or other paved surface. This technique is employed when the surface has deteriorated or has become significantly uneven, but the underlying base layer is still stable and intact.

Sky view of Asphalt Road

Here’s how the process works:

  1. Machinery Used: Asphalt milling is performed using a milling machine, which is equipped with a large rotating drum that removes and grinds the surface of the asphalt. The drum contains sharp metal teeth that cut into the pavement, efficiently scraping off the top layer.

  2. Depth of Milling: The depth of milling can vary depending on the condition of the pavement or the specific project needs. Milling can be just superficial, removing only the top layer of asphalt to make way for a new top layer, or it can be deep, removing the full depth of the asphalt pavement down to the base layer.

  3. Recycling the Old Asphalt: One of the significant benefits of asphalt milling is that the milled asphalt can often be recycled and reused in new paving projects. This not only makes the process economical but also environmentally friendly. The milled asphalt is typically taken to a processing facility where it is screened and sized. It can then be incorporated into new asphalt mixtures or used as a sub-base material.

  4. Preparation for Resurfacing: After milling, the stripped surface is usually cleaned and prepared for the application of new asphalt. Milling provides a rough surface which enhances the adhesion between the old base and the new asphalt layer.

  5. Advantages: The main advantages of asphalt milling include cost efficiency, speed of the project, and minimal disruption to traffic. It also provides the opportunity to correct underlying surface irregularities and drainage issues.

Asphalt milling is a preferred method for repairing and maintaining asphalt surfaces because it is faster, less disruptive, and more cost-effective than full pavement replacement. It is widely used not only to repair aging roads but also to adjust pavement height and improve drainage.

Breaking down the costs associated with asphalt milling is essential for understanding the overall value of this paving process. The total expense can vary widely depending on several factors that impact both the initial and long-term investment. Here's a detailed look at the key components that determine asphalt milling costs:

1. Scope and Size of the Project

  • Area Coverage: Larger areas generally reduce the cost per square foot due to economies of scale, while smaller projects might incur higher per-unit costs due to the minimum setup time and mobilization costs.

  • Depth of Milling: Deeper milling requires more time and machinery use, increasing costs. Surface milling is less expensive than full-depth milling.

2. Condition of the Existing Pavement

  • Complexity of Milling: Heavily damaged or deteriorated asphalt may require more passes with the milling machine, which can increase both time and labor costs.

  • Material Hardness: Harder asphalt compositions might reduce the speed of milling, thereby increasing fuel and labor costs.

3. Milling Machine Operational Asphalt Milling Costs

  • Equipment Type: Different types of milling machines (from small, portable units to large, full-lane models) have varying rental or operational costs.

  • Fuel Usage: Milling equipment runs on significant amounts of fuel, and the cost can vary based on the machinery’s efficiency and fuel prices.

4. Labor Costs

  • Crew Size and Hours: The cost of labor is influenced by the size of the crew needed and the hours they work, which are dictated by the project's scale and complexity.

  • Skill Level: Experienced operators may command higher wages, but their efficiency can reduce the total hours needed.

5. Transportation and Material Handling

  • Logistics: Costs to transport the milling machine to and from the site and to move milled material can impact the overall cost, especially for remote locations.

  • Disposal/Recycling: Depending on local regulations and facilities, the cost of disposing of or recycling milled asphalt varies.

6. Overhead Costs

  • Permits and Licensing: Some regions require specific permits for asphalt milling, which can add to the cost.

  • Project Management: Overhead costs related to project management and administration also need to be considered.

7. Additional Treatments

  • Tack Coating: Often, after milling and before new asphalt is laid, a tack coat is applied to ensure a strong bond between the new and old layers, adding to the cost.

  • Surface Preparation: Additional work to prepare the milled surface for new asphalt, such as cleaning and leveling, also adds to the expenses.

Understanding these factors helps in planning and budgeting for an asphalt milling project. By considering the detailed breakdown of costs, you can better assess the investment required and manage your resources effectively for optimal results.

Investing in asphalt milling offers several compelling benefits that make it an attractive option for managing and maintaining paved surfaces. Whether for roads, driveways, or parking lots, asphalt milling provides cost-effective solutions that can significantly enhance the longevity and functionality of pavement. Here are some key advantages:

1. Cost Efficiency

  • Reduced Material Costs: Asphalt milling allows for the reuse of existing asphalt, which significantly lowers material costs compared to entirely new pavement installations.

  • Lower Labor Costs: As milling can be completed faster than full pavement replacements, labor costs are reduced.

2. Environmental Sustainability

  • Recycling: One of the most significant benefits of asphalt milling is its ability to recycle the old asphalt. This not only reduces waste but also limits the demand for new raw materials.

  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: By recycling and reusing materials on-site, asphalt milling reduces the carbon footprint associated with the transport of new materials and waste.

3. Enhanced Durability and Longevity

  • Strong Foundation: Milling removes only the top layer of the pavement that is damaged, leaving the stable base intact. A new layer of asphalt is then laid over this base, which can help extend the pavement’s overall life.

  • Preventative Maintenance: Regular milling can prevent larger, more expensive problems by addressing them early, maintaining the structural integrity of the pavement.

4. Improved Safety and Appearance

  • Smoother Surface: Milling helps remove ruts, bumps, and surface irregularities, resulting in a smoother, safer driving experience.

  • Aesthetic Improvement: A newly milled and resurfaced pavement looks brand new, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the area.

5. Flexibility and Precision

  • Customizable Depth: Asphalt milling can be controlled very precisely, which means that only the necessary amount of pavement is removed. This allows for the precise correction of pavement surface irregularities and drainage issues.

  • Versatility: Milling can be used in a variety of settings, from large roadways to small parking lots and driveways, making it a versatile option for different scale projects.

6. Quick Turnaround Time

  • Minimal Disruption: Unlike complete pavement overhauls, milling and resurfacing can be completed quickly, often outside of peak traffic hours, minimizing disruption to traffic and business operations.

7. Adaptability

  • Adjustable to Weather Conditions: Milling can be performed in a range of weather conditions, providing more flexibility in scheduling and project management.

By investing in asphalt milling, property managers, municipal authorities, and private homeowners can enjoy these benefits, ensuring that their pavements are maintained in a cost-effective, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing manner. It's a strategic choice that balances immediate needs with long-term preservation and functionality.

Case Study 1: Commercial Parking Lot Rehabilitation, Orlando, Florida

Problem: A large shopping center in Orlando was struggling with a parking lot that was full of potholes and cracks, leading to customer complaints and potential safety hazards.

Solution: FLA1 Paving was contracted to perform asphalt milling and resurfacing. The project involved milling the top layer of asphalt to remove all deteriorated material and then laying down a new top layer.


  • Improved Safety and Aesthetics: The new surface was not only safer for vehicles but also visually appealing, which enhanced the shopping center's overall appearance.

  • Cost Savings: By opting for milling and resurfacing instead of full pavement replacement, the client saved approximately 40% on the overall cost.

  • Quick Turnaround: The entire project was completed in three days, minimizing disruption during business hours and allowing the shopping center to continue operations without significant interruptions.

Case Study 2: Residential Roadway Upgrade, Tampa, Florida

Problem: A residential area in Tampa had roads that were nearing the end of their lifecycle, marked by extensive surface damage and poor drainage, causing standing water during rainy seasons.

Solution: FLA1 Paving implemented a comprehensive asphalt milling strategy to correct the surface level and improve drainage. The project also included the installation of new asphalt.


  • Enhanced Durability and Drainage: The milled roads now have improved water runoff, significantly reducing the occurrence of standing water.

  • Extended Pavement Lifespan: With the new asphalt layer, the lifespan of the roads was extended by at least 15 years, delaying the need for future replacements.

  • Resident Satisfaction: The residents appreciated the quick process and the dramatic improvement in road quality, leading to increased satisfaction within the community.

These case studies showcase how asphalt milling provided by FLA1 Paving has not only met but exceeded expectations in both commercial and residential settings. Through strategic planning, quality execution, and focusing on client needs, FLA1 Paving has demonstrated its expertise and value in the field of asphalt maintenance and repair.

Asphalt milling is a versatile and cost-effective solution for pavement maintenance, but knowing when to opt for this technique can ensure maximum benefits for the lifespan and functionality of your pavement. Here are key scenarios where asphalt milling is often the best choice:

1. Surface Deterioration

When the surface of the asphalt shows signs of significant wear and tear such as cracking, raveling, or small potholes, but the base layer remains intact and stable, milling can remove the damaged top layer and prepare it for a fresh overlay.

2. Leveling and Smoothing

If the pavement has become uneven or has surface irregularities that cause water pooling or make it uncomfortable to drive on, milling can be used to level and smooth the surface before applying a new top layer.

3. Thickness Adjustment

In cases where doorways, curbs, or other constraints limit the height of the pavement, asphalt milling can adjust the surface height without removing the entire pavement structure. This is particularly useful for maintaining proper drainage and transitions.

4. Preparation for Resurfacing

If the pavement is scheduled for resurfacing, milling can ensure that the new overlay has a clean, rough surface to adhere to, which can significantly enhance the longevity and performance of the new surface layer.

5. Improving Drainage

For areas suffering from inadequate drainage, milling allows for the precise adjustment of the pavement's grade or slope, directing water away from structures and preventing standing water on the surface.

6. Cost-Effective Maintenance

For budgets that do not allow for complete pavement reconstruction, milling offers a more affordable way to extend the life of the pavement without the higher costs associated with full-depth removal and replacement.

7. Environmental Considerations

When environmental impact is a concern, milling is an environmentally friendly option. The removed asphalt can be recycled and reused in new asphalt mixtures, reducing waste and the need for new materials.

8. Regulatory Compliance

In some cases, local regulations may require specific pavement conditions for safety or environmental reasons. Milling can help meet these requirements without the need for a complete overhaul.

9. Aesthetic Upgrades

For aesthetic improvements, especially in high-visibility areas like retail centers, residential complexes, or main roads, milling followed by a new overlay can dramatically improve the appearance of the asphalt surface.

Asphalt milling is a strategic choice in these scenarios, providing a practical and economical solution that meets various pavement maintenance needs. By choosing asphalt milling at the right time, property managers, municipalities, and homeowners can maintain their pavements in optimal condition, ensuring safety, functionality, and visual appeal.

In conclusion, asphalt milling stands out as an exceptionally practical and cost-effective method for maintaining and enhancing pavement integrity. It not only addresses surface deterioration effectively but also offers a sustainable approach by allowing for the reuse and recycling of existing asphalt materials. With the ability to correct surface irregularities, adjust pavement thickness, improve drainage, and prepare surfaces for resurfacing, asphalt milling is a versatile solution suitable for a wide range of situations.

For property owners, municipal planners, and facility managers in Florida, investing in asphalt milling can result in significant long-term savings and benefits. The process minimizes disruption, extends the lifespan of pavement, and enhances safety and aesthetics without the extensive costs associated with complete pavement reconstruction. By choosing a reliable and experienced contractor like FLA1 Paving, you ensure that your asphalt milling project is executed with precision and expertise, providing durable, high-quality results that meet your needs and exceed expectations.

Asphalt milling is more than just a maintenance technique; it's a strategic investment in the future of your pavement. Whether you're managing a commercial property, overseeing a municipal project, or maintaining residential roads, opting for asphalt milling at the right time can lead to substantial improvements in pavement performance and longevity.


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